A Call to Women - Sat Dharam Kaur, Nd
The Healthy Breast Program and Workbook
1-3 Tage
1,37 kg
Art.Nr.: EN-196
Von Sat Dharam Kaur. Ein naturheilkundlicher Ratgeber zur gegen Brustkrebs, basierend auf den Lehren des Kundalini Yoga nach Yogi Bhajan, sowie vielen weiteren ursprünglichen, traditionell und modernen Erkenntnissen.
Sprache: Englisch.
Englischsprachige Beschreibung:
While there are many books available concerning the treatment of breast cancer, THE HEALTHY BREAST PROGRAM is the first to present a naturopathic program for breast cancer prevention, designed for use by individuals and groups, featuring practical nutrinional, physical, emotional and spiritual self-help exercises based on the science of Kundalini Yoga as taught by Yogi Bhajan and many other ancient, traditional and modern sources, with organic and herbal recipes for cleansing and refreshing the body.
Sat Dharam Kaur lectures in breast health ath the Canadian College of Neuropathic Medicine and specializes in the prevention and treatment of cancer in her neuropathic practice. A student of Kundalini Yoga as taught by Yogi Bhajan, she has presented her healthy breast program as a featured speaker at the World Conference on Breast Cancer in 1997 and 1999.
“My prayer is that women will say no to food that is not organic, to plastic, to nucelar power, to chlorine, to anything nature cannot take back into herself to nurture something else. I beleive women can turn things around. We stand united – we say no.” (Sat Dharam Kaur)
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