Kundalini Yoga Sadhana Music
Beautiful, uplifting Sadhana Music for the Kundalini Yoga morning meditations as taught by Yogi Bhajan. Large selection by artists from around the world.

Sadhana – the royal path of Yoga
Sadhana means "discipline". This refers to one's own spiritual discipline, which is expressed, for example, in the regular practice of Yoga. In Kundalini Yoga, Sadhana – practised individually or in a group – is the practice of Yoga and Meditation in the early morning, ideally before sunrise, when the angle of the sun to the earth is most suitable. Then the energy channels in the body (Nadis) are more open, soul and mind more receptive and relaxed, and energy can flow more freely than at other times of the day. Yoga exercises prepares you for the active day, deep meditation gives you complete mental stamina, purifies your mind and subconscious. Sadhana helps to free you from stress and worries, and to go through the day more mindfully and consciously.

Sadhana – the effortless discipline of the heart
Your real Sadhana, a spiritually powerful Sadhana, arises from within. Motivated by love, it springs from the heart and naturally merges into discipline. A Sadhana can take a lot of effort depending on the technique used. You may sit for hours in one position, you may practise vigorous rhythmic exercises, or you may go beyond the limitations of your mind and its thoughts as you merge with the repeated sound of a mantra or prayer.
But all these efforts are really effortless. The goal of Sadhana is the awakening of the Self, the awakening of the Soul. It is the experience of your consciousness. You are not doing it to control the world, to win the lottery, to perfect your personality or to get recognition. It is for self-enrichment. And this Self to which you open yourself in Sadhana has no limits; it is a gift of creation, which is beyond form and time; it is infinite. Sadhana allows us to experience daily the infinite dimension of our Self and existence. Sadhana is practical. It brings us into intimate alignment with the reality of who we are: a creature of the creation and a human being.

Sadhana – an infinite source of energy
Each of us has to deal with our fluctuating energy levels every day. If we know how to tap into the source of energy and serenity within us, we can act consciously in each moment, rather than just re-acting to the changing influences that beset us from within and without. Knowing how to shift gears and adjust our energy levels helps us act in a way that represents who we really are. Why do we get up in the morning? Because we have to face and go through the whole day, and we can't do that without a constant level of energy.

Sadhana Mantras & Music: Healing through Sound!
Naad means "the inner essence of all sound", the vibrational harmony of infinity, also called "Sacred Sound Current". Through deep immersion in the special Sadhana Mantras of Kundalini Yoga and chanting (singing along) the sonorous syllables and words, a sound (Naad) arises within you, the divine vibration that resonates through every single cell of your body.
When we consciously control these sounds that we create through the use of mantras, breathing and rhythm, we can create profound positive effects on our health and well-being. The ability we have to positively influence our immune system through thoughts and emotions has even been scientifically documented. When mantra, rhythm and breathing are used together, they can create a healing effect in the immune system as well as a balancing effect in the psyche.

The Aquarian Sadhana of Kundalini Yoga
The principle of the "Aquarian Sadhana" – the Sadhana for the Aquarian Age – recommends devoting ten percent of the day to yourself and your soul – that is about 2.4 hours. Of course, shorter times are also useful and effective, depending on your own circumstances.
Usually an Aquarian Sadhana is divided into different sections:
- Wake up exercises and sadhana preparation, e.g. a cold shower (Ishnaan) to awaken all body functions.
- Optional recitation of the Japji or abother sacred text.
If you are not familiar with the Japji, use a recording. At a group sadhana, if possible, read the japji in call-and-response mode (tantric style), with men and women taking turns line by line. - Tuning in with the Adi Mantra: Ong Namo Guru Dev Namo
- 5-10 minutes Pranayama
- 30-45 minutes Kundalini Yoga Kriya
- 5-7 minutes of deep relaxation; then the usual wake-up steps
- Beginning of the Kundalini Chants (original length: 62 minutes). These can also be shortened.

Sadhana for your wellbeing
Sadhana is about feeling good and doing something good for yourself. Whether you do sadhana alone or in a group, create a comfortable atmosphere that is conducive to sadhana. Ensure appropriate lighting and temperature conditions, take into account noise and other factors. Find the happy medium that serves you individually or the group as a whole. The yoga kriya should ideally include stretching and pranyama (breathing exercises). There are many kriyas and exercises available to you, as well as a wide selection of music for the sadhana meditations.