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 Man to Man - Yogi Bhajan

Man to Man - Yogi Bhajan

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Gewicht: 1,08 kg  1,08 kg
ISBN: 9781934532058
Art.Nr.: EN-139
49,95  Inkl. 7% MwSt.
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Diese US-Ausgabe enthält alle Kundalini Yoga Männer-Kurse, Vorträge und Yoga-Kurse von Yogi Bhajan, darunter vier nie zuvor veröffentlichte Kurse von 1985 bis 1996. Mit "Man to Man" vervollständigt Yogi Bhajan seine Mission, den Grundstein zu legen und den Pfad auf dem Weg zum spirituellen Mann zu eröffnen. Sprache: Englisch.

Englische Beschreibung:
No one has ever talked to men — about men — like this before! These no-holds-barred lectures tell a man how to master being a man. Everything you've always wanted to know is here, in this book Man to Man:
How to succeed as a man, how to communicate as a man, how to make love to the woman in your life, the relationship between sex and spirituality, potency and projection, consciousness and creativity . . . plus special foods, diets and exercises especially for men.

Topics of this Man to Man book include:
• Living in Rhythm: The Lifestyle and Diet of a Real Man
• The Secrets to Sexual Satisfaction
• Becoming Evergreen: Exercises for Vitality and Potency
• 16 Aspects of Success
• The Sun and the Moon: Marriage and the Art of Relay
• Phobias and Blocks: How to Overcome Them

This Man to Man volume contains all the men's courses, including four never-before-published courses from 1985 to 1996. In these Man to Man-courses Yogi Bhajan completed his mission to lay the groundwork and the path toward man becoming a spiritual man — from Man to Man.

From the Introduction by Gurucharan Singh Khalsa, PhD, Director of Training:
The dance of men and women has gone on from the beginning. Yogi Bhajan said that if we would just be who we are as a man there would be no problem. He challenged us to prove ourselves to our Self—uncover our own potential and grit. He woke us up and asked us to understand the nature of being a man—and what it takes to walk on the path as a man. What does it look like to be a man today? Try the meditations. Explore the impact of the diets. Discover what disciplines and perspectives serve you as an individual to experience and deliver your excellence as a man. Forge from this raw steel a tempered sword of clarity about how to be a man.

"Woman will test you with three things: Are you noble? Are you courageous? Are you a man of your word? You can never escape this test."

"You can be what you want to be, but you can't be what you wish to be. The time has come. We want to be, we should be, and we have to be - Men.”

- Yogi Bhajan

364 pages, format ca. 27,8 x 21,5 cm.
Language: English.

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