HA-THA Aromatic Products
HA-THA - in harmony with mind, body and soul. The fragrance of the HA-THA products is unique and versatile. Certified organic, balms with NaTrue label.
In harmony with Body, Spirit and Soul. Phytomedicine is an essentialpart of the traditional Asian herbal medicine.
It is based on ancient, approved knowledge and classic
formulas of selected single herbs. Only high quality, natural materials are used for the production of HA-THA smelling bottles and HA-THA balms. The wonderful scents of the HA-THA products are unique and versatile.
HA-THA plants and herbs are GMP-certified (good manufacturing practice) and undergo strict quality controls to specifications defined by competent authorities for herbal medicine. Additionally, the products are certified organic by EcoControl and the balmsad carry the NaTrue-Label.